After completing the first draft of my memoir Beyond the Wall, my Substack is where I explore more of the stories that shaped who I am (or have been), share the stories that inform who am becoming, and develop writing prompts for my readers to access what sits in the underneath for them.


After completing the first draft of my memoir Beyond the Wall, I continue my practice of writing to make sense of not only myself, but also the world around me as I make a career change and forge a new path in my professional like.

Sometimes, some of my bestest friends, people I love dearly, will make an appearance or have a voice in my stories. But I will not tell their stories or reveal their personal details, and to protect and maintain their anonymity (and that of their pets), all names will always be changed. The only exception to that rule is Barbara, my mentor (and if you follow along, you will learn all about her), because a year ago, when she and I discussed it in the context of my book, she insisted I use her actual name. And, as always, I will honor her request.

This part of my journey is a wide-open adventure. I invite to join me by subscribing and together, we will find the stories that sparkle in the dark.

Side Note: For the past twenty years, my personal journey has been a spiritual (not religious) one. So, in my writing, I may refer to my Higher Power, the Universe, the Still Small Voice, or maybe even God. To me, all of these terms are interchangeable and reflect different parts of my concept of cosmic connectedness. You can choose to call that whatever you want, read into it or skip over it. Either way, the door is open, the room is large and everyone is invited.


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